Review of this is how it always is
Review of this is how it always is

It’s truly remarkable that after sixteen seasons, not only does It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia still remain hilarious and weird, but it never feels like it’s just going through the motions despite all this time. That sort of toxic nostalgia and the breaking down of how the “things used to be better in my day” mentality is a great example of It’s Always Sunny commenting on our current society in a fun way that also manages to be prescient. Dee argues that Frank’s experience with the restaurant, with its racist jokes, was a different time, while Dee and the rest of The Gang miss when the restaurant used to have a bar, sell lifelike guns, and had animatronics that looked like birds realistic human breasts. Cheese-like restaurant, where they realize times have changed, and they rail about how things used to be better. Rat’s Pizza,” in which The Gang goes to a Chuck E. Probably the closest the show comes to commentary in this season so far is “Risk E.

Review of this is how it always is