F*ck This I'm Coloring by Jacqueline Monique
F*ck This I'm Coloring by Jacqueline Monique

F*ck This I

No nicknames: The community has voted not to allow the use of nicknames here. Posts outside of these designated threads will be removed. No response threads: Posts directly pertaining to an episode belong in the live or post episode thread for 24 hours after airing. Other non-related posts are welcome in the OT thread.

F*ck This I

We have a special exception for Mob Wives as the only non-Bravo show that is permitted to have its own posts and discussions. Not relevant to Bravo/Real Housewives/Mob Wives: All content that is unrelated to a Real Housewife or Bravolebrity will be removed. Posts asking about what to watch will be removed. Not sure where to start or what to watch next? Please check out our Show Rankings and if you have more questions, please ask in our daily OT thread pinned at the top of the sub.

F*ck This I

This sub is all about the Real Housewives franchises by Bravo TV and related shows, our guilty little pleasures!

F*ck This I'm Coloring by Jacqueline Monique