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4 In the early 1970s, along with authors such as Katherine Paterson and Judy Blume, Smith established 'a solid reputation for accessible fiction with serious themes. This week, Lizzie Skurnick rereads Doris Buchanan Smiths A Taste of Blackberries. Doris Buchanan Smith's, A Taste of Blackberries (HarperCollins, 1973), earned critical acclaim as well as comparisons with Charlotte's Web (HarperCollins, 1952). Urn:lcp:tasteofblackberr0000smit_o2d9:lcpdf:8f688414-b28a-465c-bdfb-85067e2dbbb5 Welcome to Fine Lines, the feature in which we give a wrinkled look at the books we loved as youth. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 01:05:48 Associated-names Robinson, Charles, 1931- illus Boxid IA1995021 Camera Sony Alpha-A6300 (Control) Collection_set printdisabled External-identifier